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Welcome to Lough Carra LIFE

Lough Carra LIFE is a five-year project (2021 to 2026) led by Mayo County Council and funded jointly by the European Commission LIFE Programme and the Project Funding Partners.

The Project will take place in the Lough Carra catchment area, and will work with farmers, other landowners, and local community groups; 

  • to improve water quality, 

  • restore the Marl Lake habitat, 

  • and raise the conservation status of other habitats and species within the catchment. 

Funding Partners include:

  • Mayo County Council

  • Department of Agriculture, Food, and Marine (DAFM)

  • National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS)

  • Geological Survey Ireland (GSI)

  • Coillte

  • The Lough Carra Catchment Association (LCCA)


Other Contributing Partners

  • Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

  • Office of Public Works (OPW)

  • Local Authorities Waters Programme (LAWPro)

  • Inland Fisheries Ireland (IFI)

  • Teagasc

  • National Federation of Group Water Schemes (NFGWS)

  • Vincent Wildlife Trust (VWT)

Lough Carra Catchment Association (LCCA)

In 2018 the LCCA was formed by local people, with the aims to restore, protect, and conserve the ecological integrity of Lough Carra and its lakeshore habitats, and to ensure the quality of drinking water from the lake.

The LCCA were instrumental in the establishment of the Lough Carra LIFE Project. They remain a key partner in the project, and will be central to Project’s AfterLIFE plan.

Find out more at 


The Lough Carra LIFE Project has received funding from the European Commission LIFE Programme under grant agreement LIFE20 NAT/IE/000172.

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